Want foolproof marketing without the corporate price tag?

This is how we added $52,500 worth of leads a week to a local business, at just $3.50 per lead!

[and all in less than 90 days]

When we met Nepean Valley Pure Water...

  • Their growth was stagnant

  • Traditional media wasn't working

  • They had tried social media (without success)

  • They knew there was a massive untapped opportunity but didn't know where to start

Nepean Valley Pure Water had been in business for almost 18 years and their growth had come from networking, word of mouth and some traditional media advertising. John, the owner, was worried they were stagnating, was unsure where growth was going to come from and how that would effect the future of the business and possibly even his plans to retire.

They wanted to work with an agency that could help them start growing again. We began with an audit of their existing marketing to see if there really was an opportunity to bring in the new business they were looking for without managing all the tyre kickers. They'd previously tried social media without success and were nervous about trying again.

So we did a free audit of their marketing, no obligation and no strings attached, and here's what we found...

The Problem...

Their messaging was dull and not attracting new customers

We found their messaging didn't resonate with potential customers and so wasn't creating the sales they wanted..

People were seeing the ads, but not converting into leads

There was engagement with the advertising, but that engagement wasn't resulting in quality leads.

There were bottlenecks in their process that stopped people ordering

We found friction points in their sales funnel which reduced the number of leads that converted into sales.

The Solution...

When we audited their marketing we could see their messaging just wasn't attracting new customers. Their offer and the way it was presented wasn't resonating with people, so they weren't motivated to buy. We advised Nepean Valley Pure Water to work on this before publishing any more ads, even if they chose not to work with us.

As we kept going with the audit we found the ads were reaching people, and there was even some engagement, but that engagement wasn't converting into leads. We worked with the team to create a clear and compelling call to action.

Additionally, there were bottlenecks in their sales funnel that were costing them sales and causing them to miss out on potential revenue. We developed a conversational chatbot for them to give potential customers an immediate response to inquiries and collect names and phone numbers so the sales team could contact people and close more sales.

The Results...

In less than a week we had more than doubled their lead flow and reduced their cost per lead to $3.50.

Almost immediately those leads started converting into sales. On a daily basis they were getting 'I'd like to order' messages in their inbox.

In less than a month we increased their sales so dramatically they ran out of water coolers. Within 12 months they'd had to hire more staff and buy a new delivery truck.

Win # 1

5 - 7 new leads every day

Win # 2

On average, 1 new customer every day

Win # 3

Consistent new sales meant a more secure future.

Here are the services we provided to Nepean Valley Pure Water


Strategic Planning

Before starting any advertising we worked closely with the Nepean Valley team to create a plan including the people we wanted to target, what we would say to them and how the ads would look.


Social Media Advertising

With a detailed plan and great copy, our team set up targeted advertising campaigns across facebook and Instagram to reach Nepean Valley Pure Water's ideal customers.



Our team created compelling advertising copy, and copy for the messenger bot, to make sure we were using words and messages that inspired people to take action.


Chatbot development

To ensure John's team weren't answering frivolous inquiries, we developed a chatbot to answer FAQ's and qualify leads. We then programmed it to notify John's team when a potential client wanted to order, or ask a specific question.

Results like this are not a one off and can be reliably repeated. How do we know? Because that's what we do, day in, day out!

We help local service based business get more qualified leads using a customised Social Media Marketing campaign so they can increase their sales and start enjoying the freedom a successful business can create.

Want to know if your business can get results like this too? Find out on a free strategy call to see if we can help your business grow with a customised social media marketing plan.

We help local businesses grow their sales through tailored and effective social media marketing campaigns.

You know effective social media marketing is the key to increasing your sales, but you just don't have the skills, time or resources to make it happen.

If you've ever tried social media advertising before, you'll know just how difficult it really is, and how getting it wrong can cost way more than you realised in wasted spend and missed opportunities.

We let local businesses focus on what they do best, by taking the whole lot off their hands.

We'll build a customised strategy, set up the advertising campaign, nurture your leads and manage the whole process until we've got your sales humming like a well oiled machine.

The reason it works is in the quality and integrity of our team. We won't work with you unless we're confident we can get you a result!

Orbit Marketing is an agency that specialises in helping local business grow. As a team that's totally dedicated to your success, and experienced in all aspects of marketing and advertising, we create customised advertising campaigns that consistently generate high quality leads.

In addition to effective online campaigns, we excel at developing and implementing strategic plans that are tailored for your business so you can focus on your customers while we drive revenue growth.

We've trained with some of the worlds best digital marketers and our founder, Simon, has been regularly published by brands like Afterpay and CPA's magazine In The Black. He is currently a Social Media Marketing coach with the Australian Federal Government's ASBAS small business support program.

So, how do we do it over, and over (and over) again?

Simple. (Sort of...) We combine the right team, and the right strategy, with the right messaging and platforms.

  • Strategic Planning. Develops a roadmap from where you are, to where you want to be.

  • Copywriting. Ensures the messages are clear and compelling.

  • Design. We create scroll stopping images that get attention.

  • Lead Generation. You'll have a predictable and reliable flow of new leads.

  • Nurturing. Tailored email and SMS marketing to warm up your leads so they're ready to buy.

  • Optimisation. Your campaign will always be improving as we constantly monitor and adjust it for you.

Please note that you will be required to invest in your own advertising spend to get results from paid advertising campaigns. We work with people who believe in themselves and their businesses and are ready to take action.

The process we use to get results for you.



Before we start running any advertising, we'll take a deep dive into your business to understand who you help, and how you help them, so we can create compelling messaging and offers.


Creating Awareness

Advertising is all about getting you more clients, and more sales, but people work with businesses they know, like and trust. So before we can ask them to buy from you we'll grow awareness of your brand and position you as the authority in your field.


Getting Leads

leads and inquiries are the lifeblood of any business. If you don't have predictable lead flow, you don't have growth or certainty in your future. We create tailored and specific campaigns designed to get you more leads and grow your marketing database.


Nurturing and Converting

While some of your leads will convert to sales right away, some will need more time to build trust with you. We'll use customised email and SMS marketing to build relationships with your leads and regularly make offers to them, helping you convert them into paying clients.

But enough from us, let's hear from our clients...

Jo Davenport - Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust

Chris Gross - Vision Personal Training


'We've been smashed since the campaign started'

it's the best advertising I've ever done since I've been at this company.

- Matt Trad, QKM Kitchens


$345k in sales from under $12k in ad spend in the first 90 days.

The lead quality is better than we expected. We've tried social media before and got some leads, but not like this. There's gold in that dirt.

- James, Velocity Home Lifts


"Orbit Marketing has received fantastic results for our business in a relatively short period of time. They have a collaborative approach and really care about the needs of their clients"

Rachel - Focus Renovations Group


"Blaxland Tiles & Bathrooms have been working closely with Simon & Jo from Orbit Marketing for over 3 years now. Orbit Marketing have been a perfect fit for our business and they do a fantastic job with our social media marketing. Not only are they professional and efficient, they are clearly very talented at what they do. We look forward to working closely with them for many years to come!"

Bec - Blaxland Tiles and Bathrooms

©️ Orbit Marketing 2023.

This site is not endorsed by or associated with Facebook or Meta Inc. in any way. Actual results will vary depending on many factors such as your market, brand recognition and reputation, how quickly and consistently you follow up your leads among others. Success in business and marketing requires consistent and concerted effort. We are here to help and support those who are willing and determined to help and support themselves. See our Privacy Policy here.